The circumstances under which Kakande had to work were not very good. In a very small room he kept his medicines and there he also saw and treated his patients. The path to his house was difficult to walk and some elderly people who have mobility problems could not go to Kakande to be treated.
That’s why Kakande and Apollo asked the Joanne Foundation to help find a treatment location closer to the public road and which was bigger than Kakande’s treatment room.
The Foundation noticed that Kakande’s health care plan had a benificial effect on the health of the people in Ndegeya so we decided to financially support the building of a small clinic.
Meanwhile building the Clinic is finished and it has been put into service.
The official registration of the clinic took some effort. The Health Inspector had a long list of conditions which had to be met before officially using the clinic. Apollo did everything possible to meet these demands. He purchased furniture (tables, chairs, cupboards), medical instruments and signboards have been put up along the access roads.
Also the most compex demand has been met namely finding a registered doctor willing to work at our clinic. An assistent doctor from the nearby hospital will work at the clinic one day a week. He will be officialy accountable to the government.
When all these demands were met, the Health Inspector came for the final check and the licence for our clinic is now a reality!
The clinic offically started in January 2020

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