Een put in de kerk…
We zijn blij dat de Protestante Gemeente Bredevoort ons gaat helpen met het financieren van de bouw van een waterput in Ndegeya. Op zondag 28 augustus 2016 is er een ‘echte’ waterput in de kerk geplaatst, die door de [...]
A worrying story…baby Lairat
One afternoon, when nurse Kakande was visiting some old ladies, a young woman came to him carrying a baby girl. It appeared that her nine-month-old baby had been in hospital because of undernourishment. Because the mother could not pay [...]
Nurse Kakande doing house calls
The 92-year-old Nalunga Margaret could hardly walk because her feet bothered her very much. It appeared that a lot of jiggers (sandflees) had laid many eggs under the skin of her feet. These jiggers eat away the tissue and [...]
Baby Arent Roland
Good news! On Friday 27 May, Innocent, Apollo’s wife, delivered a healthy baby-boy. His name is Arent Roland…. Both mother and child are well. Ron, Ritah and Ruben are very happy that they have a baby-brother. We are relieved [...]
Thanks to the sponsors of the Joanne Foundation, Jovia, the mother of Tendo, Miracle and Agape, started a shop a few years ago. The money she earned she used to buy some land on which she grows corn, bananas, [...]
Graduation Phionah
March 18th 2016 was a very special day for Phionah Meeme, one of ‘Joanne’s girls’: it was her graduation day and she received her certificate ‘Early Childhood Development Teacher Education’. A wonderful achievement, especially when you realize that it [...]
Godfrey received his bike!
Very good news about Godfrey! In December we told you that we contacted the Liliane Foundation to find out whether they could help us find a handbike for Godfrey. This 13-year-old boy has a serious physical disability (he has [...]
Twee leuke acties van bedrijven
Boekhandel Messink&Prinsen in Aalten heeft veel schoolspullen en creatieve materialen beschikbaar gesteld voor Joanne’s Library. We kregen een grote doos vol schriften, pennen, viltstiften, kleurpotloden, verf, gekleurd papier, schetsboeken enz. Ons bestuurslid Anja vertrekt morgen naar Oeganda, dus kan [...]
Start of the new schoolyear
For the kids in Uganda the new school year has started 4 weeks later than usual due to the president elections which took place last week. Apollo payed all the school fees and bought all the materials needed for [...]
Cooperation with My Book Buddy
Reading is very good for children. It is good for their language development and they also learn a lot about the world they live in while reading. For that reason we started Joanne’s Library and Reading Club at [...]
Joanitah is ill
Joanitah is ill at the moment, she has malaria and has been admitted to the Kitovu hospital due to serious dehydration. We are so glad that we have a contract with this hospital sothat Joanitah will get all the [...]
Christmas present
Many colleagues from the Ludger College in Doetinchem have made their christmas presents available to the Joanne Foundation. We thought it a good idea to spend part of this amount on buying something extra (let’s call it a christmas [...]