In 2007 Jovia worked at the Jireh Children Centre near Masaka. Here she met Joanne and they became very good friends. She named her daughter after Joanne: Miracle Joanne. It soon became apparent that Miracle suffered from HIV and [...]
Owen, a boy with Down Syndrome
Children with Down syndrome are not always welcome in Ugandan families. Parents feel ashamed and they often think that the family is cursed. Owen is a Downer. He was kept hidden for 6 years. Two years ago Apollo saw [...]
Last year most of the crops in Ndegeya were lost due to draught. Also at the moment the country is waiting for the rains which would normally have started already. The soil has been tilled and the seeds have [...]
The waterprogramm and meeting the village leaders
Ndegeya is the district where Joanne used to work and live in 2006/2007 and where Apollo lives. It consists of 7 hamlets. The Joanne Foundation has started a health program and a waterprogram in this district. The success of [...]
Godfrey can neither read nor write but he is a clever stayer. He farms the land next to his mother’s hut and he has made a radio using loose parts. Unfortunately he has deformed lower legs. Through the Joanne [...]
Health insurance
Today, 19 October, we extended the health insurance for another year. Ofcourse we added baby Arent, Apollo’s new born son. Owing to the health insurance 13 children are eligible for good medical care. [...]
Reading at the Ndegeya Church of Uganda School
My Book Buddy is an international programme that promotes reading. It is a properly organized programme which donates books to schools in developing countries. This system regulates for instance the way inwhich the books are lent to the children, [...]
In 2006 Joanne’s first “Ugandan child” in was Grace. When Joanne worked at the Jireh Children Centre Grace lived with Joanne in her small cottage. They became very good friends. Thanks to Joanne, Grace was able to finish teacher [...]
Kinderspelen Aalten
Het is inmiddels al een jaarlijks terugkerende traditie in Aalten dat leerlingen van het vmbo Schaervoorde tijdens het Volksfeest bij de kinderspelen een kraam verzorgen waar snoep, limonade en koffie verkocht wordt en waar kinderen zich kunnen laten schminken. [...]
Weldam Castle Fair
Op uitnodiging van St Mary’s Chapel Anglican Church Twente zijn we aanwezig geweest op de Weldam Castle Fair op 10 september om informatie te geven over de activiteiten van de Joanne Foundation. Het was een prachtige zonnige dag en [...]
Learning how to read and write without going to school
At the moment the Joanne Foundation is able to pay the schoolfees, boardingfees and school requirementsfor twelve children in Uganda. We are talking about Phiona, Tendo, Agape, Miracle, Brenda, Joanitah, Jireh, Hannah, Owen, Ron, Ritah and Ruben. There is [...]
Two people from Aalten visit Apollo
In August Elske te Kiefte and Emiel Tolkamp from Aalten and IJzerlo made a round trip through Uganda during their holiday. They also visited Apollo and together with him they visited a number of families and projects supported by [...]