The working visit of one of the boardmembers February 2019
Anja, one of our boardmembers, visited Uganda together with her husband Jacques. After their first working consultation with Apollo and Jane they visited various families in Ndegeya. During such a visit they gained a lot of impressions: they [...]
How many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? Many people in Uganda sometimes have only one pair of flip flops, but more often they have no shoes at all and walk bare feet. During her visit [...]
Music and an afternoon of dancing
A wonderful music and dancing afternoon was organised for the children who visit Joanne’s Library. Music teacher Kalungi sang with the children, made music and danced with them. It was very nice to see the children having [...]
The start of the new schoolyear
In Uganda the summerholidays have ended and the new schoolyear has begun. Three boys are going from primary school to secondary school and they are excited about it. Apollo and Jane have paid the school fees for 21 children [...]
In december zijn er weer veel kerstmarkten georganiseerd en de Joanne Foundation was op vier kerstmarkten te vinden: in Apeldoorn, ’s Heerenberg, Duiven en Bredevoort. Enthousiaste vrijwilligers hielpen de bestuursleden en er zijn veel leuke spullen verkocht. De [...]
Christmas 2018
Our team in Uganda have delivered a “Christmas food package” to 23 families on Christmas Eve: a big chicken, a bunch of matooke (bananas) and 3 kilograms of rice. We are happy to know that these families will eat [...]
Dankzij Schaersvoorde hebben Rosemary en haar pleegkinderen weer een dak boven hun hoofd.
In december verraste de rector van het Christelijk College Schaersvoorde in Aalten ons met het bericht dat de medewerkers van Schaersvoorde konden kiezen welk kerstpakket zij wilden: een bon of een donatie aan de Joanne Foundation. Ze vertelde [...]
Evaluation and closure
The final day of our stay is all about evaluating the activities during the past year: have we achieved our goals and in the right way? Also the finances are thoroughly discussed. Plans for the coming year are discussed [...]
Meeting Rosemary, Diane and Charity
Our meeting Rosemary, the woman who takes care of the handicapped children Diane and Charity, was very special. She is not related to the girls, she looks after them after she found the girls abandoned in a house and [...]
The visit to the School for Special Needs, the deafschool
This was our first visit to this school and we were very impressed by what we saw. The headmisstress, Sarah, was an inspiring and very enthousiastic woman with a clear vision on education for children with a handicap, in [...]
A tour through Ndegeya
Apollo always wants to take us on a tour through his village, Ndegeya. This is the place where most of the activities of the Joanne Foundation take place. It is quite a vast area and the small cottages are [...]
Meeting mother Hanifa and her daughter Rehema
We were very surprised when we saw Rehema running towards us with outstretched arms. Almost two years ago this little girl was very heavily malnourished and she came close to dying. After an intensive program of adequate diets, physiotherapy [...]