

The working visit of one of the boardmembers February 2019

February 28th, 2019|

Anja, one of our boardmembers, visited Uganda together with her husband Jacques. After their first working consultation with Apollo and Jane they visited various families in Ndegeya. During such a visit they gained a lot of impressions: they [...]

Dankzij Schaersvoorde hebben Rosemary en haar pleegkinderen weer een dak boven hun hoofd.

December 9th, 2018|

In december verraste de rector van het Christelijk College Schaersvoorde in Aalten ons met het bericht dat de medewerkers van Schaersvoorde konden kiezen welk kerstpakket zij wilden: een bon  of een donatie aan de Joanne Foundation. Ze vertelde [...]

The visit to the School for Special Needs, the deafschool

October 24th, 2018|

This was our first visit to this school and we were very impressed by what we saw. The headmisstress, Sarah, was an inspiring and very enthousiastic woman with a clear vision on education for children with a handicap, in [...]

Meeting mother Hanifa and her daughter Rehema

October 21st, 2018|

We were very surprised when we saw Rehema running towards us with outstretched arms. Almost two years ago this little girl was very heavily malnourished and she came close to dying. After an intensive program of adequate diets, physiotherapy [...]

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