Joanne Foundation opgericht
Zowel in 'Aaltens Nieuws' als in 'Aalten Vooruit', twee lokale huis-aan-huisbladen, stond deze week een artikel over de oprichting van de Joanne Foundation. Joanne Foundation opgericht Karin Stronks t @karinstronks AALTEN Joanne Noordink reisde in 2006 voor het eerst naar Oeganda. [...]
The storeroom turns into a library
A lot of work is being done to rebuild the storeroom in Apollo’s house into ‘Joanne’s Library and Reading Club’. Normally, an average of more than 40 children sit in his living-room and under the awning to read and [...]
The rainy season has started
After months of draught the rainy season has started. Last year we had gutters installed at Apollo’s house but unfortunately the watertank was not ready yet. This will be done very soon. In the mean time Apollo found a [...]
The Joanne Foundation is a fact.
On Monday March 2, 2015 Anja, Elske, Helma and Arent signed the founding act at the office of notary Mr. Brinkman.