The waterproject of the Little Stars School has finished!
Thanks to a wonderful gift from MondiAalten, the Joanne Foundation was able to help the Little Stars Junior Academy (the school that Miracle, Agape and Tendo attend) to provide their own watersupply. We informed you on 6th August that [...]
Jireh’s schoolreport
In Uganda the schoolyear is divided into three terms and the second term has just finished. This means that all the children have received their schoolreports and they have a three-week holiday now. Jireh, who is four years old, [...]
Waterproject of the Little Stars School
Because of the draught the students of the Little Stars School (the school of Miracle, Agape and Tendo) have to walk a longer distance to collect water. They collect water from a little mud pool which is also used [...]
Kindermarkt Dijkstraat Aalten
Enkele scholieren van het vmbo-Schaersvoorde Stationsplein Aalten hebben op zaterdag tijdens tropische temperaturen (38 graden!) de Kindermarkt op de Dijkstraat georganiseerd. Ze hebben peuters en kleuters geschminkt en “getatoeëerd” en voor een klein bedrag rondgereden in de bolderkar. Ook [...]
Visiting Day
Visiting day is a day the boarding children are looking very much forward to because then their parents come to visit them and to make them a wonderful lunch and buy them a bottle of soda. The parents can [...]
Exhibition of drawings
Last winter children living in Bredevoort have made drawings for children in Uganda. Together with sponsor money Anja and Jacques took these drawings with them to Uganda in February. The children in Uganda also made drawings using the drawing [...]
Foundation of the watertank
As you know we had gutters installed on Apollo’s house and we wanted to have a watertank built sothat the rainwater could be collected in it. Duet o the rainy season the ground was much too wet for such [...]
Marktkraam “Joanne Foundation” 2015
In mei en juni 2015 hebben enkele scholieren van het vmbo-Schaersvoorde Stationsplein weer op de Aaltense weekmarkt gestaan met hun kraam vol producten. Dit alles in het teken van de Joanne Foundation. Vooral de eigengemaakte jam en kaarten werden [...]
Back to school again
The spring holidays in Uganda have ended and the children are back at school again. For the boarding students lots of shoppings need to be done because they have to take many things with them to school, like toothpaste, [...]
Holidays and babynews
In Uganda the students have received their school reports this week and now they can enjoy a four-week holiday. The children who are in boarding will also go home for a few weeks. This will be a special period [...]
De ANBI registratie is binnen
Direct na het tekenen van de stichtingsakte op 2 maart hebben we een ANBI registratie aangevraagd. Vandaag hebben we de brief van de belastingdienst ontvangen dat de Joanne Foundation officieel ANBI geregistreerd is. Het voordeel van een ANBI [...]
Drawings made by children in Uganda meant for children in Bredevoort
During the church service in Bredevoort Anja told the congregation about her visit to Uganda. She showed some films her husband made of the children in Uganda making the drawings for the children in Bredevoort. BACK TO ACTIONS [...]