In Oeganda handicapped children have a very difficult time and without our help they would have little chance to develop themselves. At the moment four handicapped children go to school but a number of children are not able to go to school and will probably never have the chance to get an education.
The Joanne Foundation wants to help these children develop themselves and that’s why we started the Joanne’s Children Corner. Once a week four handicapped children (Yiga, Rehema, Diana and Charity) gather in Joanne’s Library where they can play, make music, dance and listen to stories under the expert guidance of Innocent and Jane. There is a customized program for each of the children, for instance, Yiga is taught to read because he is very studious.

Innocent feeds them a nutritious meal.

It is wonderful to see that these children, who lived isolated until shortly, now play with other children and are having fun.