Beddings for needy people in Ndegeya
During the night of 22 December the students of Schaersvoorde stayed awake all night to collect money for two charities: Serious Request and the Joanne Foundation. The Joanne Foundation intended to spend the money on buying mattresses and beddings [...]
A delicious Christmas meal
As we did last year, we asked Apollo to buy a Christmas food package consisting of a big chicken, 3 kg of rice and matoke (nutricious cooking bananas). Together with Apollo we selected 15 families who we thought could [...]
A waterpump for a school for deaf children
We are so very glad with the financial contribution received from Mondiaalten which enabled us to have a waterpump installed on the property of a school for deaf children in Masaka. Daily the students had to [...]
VMBO Schaersvoorde Aalten- speculaasactie 2017
Het is inmiddels al een mooie traditie: in oktober heeft bakker Kuipers uit Winterswijk weer een aantal leerlingen van VMBO-Schaersvoorde Aalten uitgenodigd om veel lekkere speculaasjes te komen bakken. Deze speculaasjes werden door de leerlingen van Schaersvoorde op [...]
Graduation Party for Ruben and Owen
The graduation party for students who pass from Nursery class to Primary school is a nice tradition in Uganda. The children wear a robe and a mortar board and receive a certificate. We are proud of the wonderful reports [...]
Visit to Uganda
Our boardmember Helma Noordink visited Uganda from 10 till 24 October. This time she was accompanied by Netty Flierman (nurse) and Derk Jan te Kiefte (optometrist) and his wife Christien. They visited all the children, the families, the schools [...]
Rehema learns to walk
Little Rehema, who is seriously malnourished, is doing fine. We told you before that thanks to our foodprogram Rehema has gained weight and looks healthy. Her motorial development was lagging behind but recently she is receiving fysiotherapy and excercises [...]
A few weeks ago Apollo met Yiga, a 15-year-old multiple handicapped boy with Down syndrome. He lives with his 72-year-old grandmother under very primitive circumstances. He doesn’t know his father and his mother dropped him at his grandmother’s place [...]
De PeGeWe fietsvierdaagse
Ondanks het matige weer hebben veel mensen eind juli 2017 mee gefietst met de door de PeGeWe (Protestante Gemeente Winterswijk) georganiseerde fietsvierdaagse. De opbrengst was bestemd voor drie goede doelen en de Joanne Foundation was één van deze [...]
Rainy season….
At the moment it is the rainy season in Uganda and this means that it often rains very heavily with the result that roads are flooded and impassable and villages can’t often be reached. Mateete, the village where [...]
Een stukje in Aaltens Nieuws over de opbrengst van de GUV business run
‘Nu kunnen zeker zes kansarme kinderen naar school’ Door Karin Stronks AALTEN – Arent en Helma Noordink van de stichting Joanne Foundation kregen een fijne verrassing te verwerken op het AVA complex. Dat een deel van de opbrengst [...]
Een weekend vol acties….hardlopen en fietsen.
In het weekend van 20 en 21 mei waren er diverse fundraising activiteiten voor de Joanne Foundation. Zaterdag 20 mei organiseerde AVA’70 de Gerard Tebroke Memorial Run , een geweldig mooi sportief spektakel. De helft van het inschrijfgeld [...]