

The working visit of one of the boardmembers February 2019

February 28th, 2019|

Anja, one of our boardmembers, visited Uganda together with her husband Jacques. After their first working consultation with Apollo and Jane they visited various families in Ndegeya. During such a visit they gained a lot of impressions: they [...]

Dankzij Schaersvoorde hebben Rosemary en haar pleegkinderen weer een dak boven hun hoofd.

December 9th, 2018|

In december verraste de rector van het Christelijk College Schaersvoorde in Aalten ons met het bericht dat de medewerkers van Schaersvoorde konden kiezen welk kerstpakket zij wilden: een bon  of een donatie aan de Joanne Foundation. Ze vertelde [...]

The visit to the School for Special Needs, the deafschool

October 24th, 2018|

This was our first visit to this school and we were very impressed by what we saw. The headmisstress, Sarah, was an inspiring and very enthousiastic woman with a clear vision on education for children with a handicap, in [...]

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