Reading is very good for children. It is good for their language development and they also learn a lot about the world they live in while reading. For that reason we started Joanne’s Library and Reading Club at Apollo’s house in Ndegeya two years ago. An average of thirty children come and read every day.
In order to reach more children we are planning, together with My Book Buddy (MBB) project, to help a primary school in Ndegeya to set up a school library. Ndegeya is a very poor village, most parents are hardly able to pay schoolfees for their children so at the school there is no money to spend on a school library for the 500 students.
This is what we are going to do: MBB will provide a bookcase for every classroom, these bookcases will be made by local carpenters. The Joanne Foundation will pay for the books . MBB will provide a system that will enable the school to lend the books to the students who will be given a small backpack to take the books home with them.
Last week Apollo bought 500 children’s books so all the students will be able to start reading as soon as school starts again. This will enrich the development of the children and we are glad that the Joanne Foundation was able to contribute by buying the books.