We are back home again, our visit to Uganda is over. We are tired but satisfied.
Our companions and good friends Arjen and Brecht regularly told you about their experiences and observations through Facebook. We are very happy with their obeservations because it helps us to stay focussed on the direction we want to go to be able to realise Joanne’s dream and to be meaningful for the people in Uganda
This is what Arjen wrote:
“Accountability. Probably the most used word in our talks. And not only used by us but also by the Ugandans like the headmasters we visited, nurse Kakande of the health programme, Bakka Godfrey who installed the waterpumps, the village elders we met and especially: Apollo
These people don’t take our help for granted. They are visibly grateful, sometimes emotional, because they experience our support as an enormous moral support. They feel they are not alone in trying to achieve a better future for the next generation.
We met hardworking Ugandans and we noticed that experiencing the co-operation from the Joanne Foundation gave them wings. How else would it be possible to dig a deep borehole with only a pick and shovel.
And they all understand very well that they are accountable for the wonderful gifts they received. This picture shows Apollo matching all the expenses to the goals set last year during the final evaluation. Also new goals were set for next year”.
De Joanne foundation neemt haar accountability ook zeer serieus. Op de website is het uitgebreide financieel jaarverslag te vinden en alle Facebook verhaaltjes van de afgelopen dagen zijn ook te lezen als een heldere vorm van verantwoording van de gedoneerde gelden. En uiteraard blijkt straks uit het nieuwe jaarverslag weer dat onze eigen reis- en verblijfskosten gewoon door ons zelf betaald worden.
We hopen uiteraard dat allen die ons deze dagen gevolgd hebben zich geroepen voelen om een steentje bij te dragen aan het werk van de Joanne foundation.
Daarom eindig ik deze reeks graag met het noemen van de bankrekening van de foundation: NL95RABO 0146 1764 72. Voel je uitgenodigd!”